In the stillness of the early morning hours just before dawn, we sometimes allow our minds to wander, and our hearts are sad; they become filled with anxiety and worry. The future seems so uncertain. How will we pay our bills? How will we keep our family safe from viruses, social unrest…?
The comfort, security, and peace you seek can be found in Christ alone. “The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.” Proverbs 18:10. Do you believe Him?
The truth is, we have nothing to offer the Father that will secure our peace, security, or salvation; therefore, we are free to abandon ourselves to Christ. That is why, like the prodigal son, He meets us a far off, throws His arms around us, and as we walk toward His throne of grace, He speaks His love to us. His promise is, “I am the way, the truth, and the life… John 14:6.
To those who surrender and trust Christ, He says, “I am come (met you in your wilderness places) that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10. This doesn’t mean that life won’t be hard at times, but we will have His peace that has the power to surpass, outrun, overpower our circumstances. It won’t make sense; people will marvel at the peace we have because we believe in Christ.
As you lay in the stillness, and ponder… turn your eyes and thoughts upon Jesus… He has promised when you do, the things, the trouble of the world will grow to deem in the light of glory and grace.