My dyslexia Story

On July 20, 2009, I was officially diagnosed with a learning ability. I say officially because several years prior, the Lord shared with me that I had dyslexia. I also learned that I was not alone. Millions of people, young and old, have some form of dyslexia, which is neurological and affects a person’s ability to learn how to read, write, and spell. It is an inherited disability, and unless God intervenes, it doesn’t go away. I will have dyslexia for the rest of my life. Also, dyslexia is just one type of learning disability, each affecting a person differently. As with any disability, a person will fall somewhere on a continuum ranging from mild to profound. The good news is that children, teens, and adults can learn to read, write, and advance in school due to the advancement of research.
What is not often openly discussed is the emotional trauma and spiritual impact having a disability may have on a person (e.g., feeling defeated, hopelessness, learned helplessness, low self-worth, and isolation).
Our Abilities
I am thankful that God encouraged me not to give up on His dream that I would one day earn a doctoral degree. It was tough, and there were days I wondered if I could reach this goal. However, in 2016, I was awarded a doctorate in Psychology with a specialization in Educational Psychology.
The greatest lesson I learned is that God's grace is sufficient; it is more than enough, even to heal my wounded heart from the emotional impact of having a disability (2 Corinthians 12:9). I also believe that God uniquely gifts each person, whether they have a disability or not. You are part of His plan.
I have often shared that God has a sense of humor and that His purpose for me would include writing and speaking on His behalf. Remember, I have dyslexia; however, this has never been a deterrent for the Lord. All He requires is a willing, trusting heart that I daily surrender my dyslexia and its emotional impact to Him (Isaiah 55:11).
The Beginning
My writing started when I began to keep journals. This was an outlet for me to write down my daily struggles with life on paper. Then, I began to notice that when I read something from God's word or heard something in a song that encouraged or challenged me, I knew I had to capture it in some way that I could pass it along to someone else. My first venture of serious writing came from creating greeting cards. I never published them, but I still have them and plan to do so.
Then, I became interested in writing a book. I laugh now because, back then, self-publishing was not very popular, and I didn't think anyone would be that interested in what I had to say. I certainly didn't think I could compete with those famous authors. Yet, I found myself writing and writing. I can't tell you how many books I have started that I never finished. At some point, I think I gave up writing and publishing a book and poured myself into creating websites. I figured if I never published a book, my website would be a vehicle that I could write for God. Those websites never took off... The desire to put my story and journey with dyslexia never left me, and this went on for ten years.
The Grace to be Authentic
One day, while expressing my frustration to the Lord, I knew I could not put it off any longer. Self-publishing was the new kid on the block. Everyone seemed to be going in that direction, which gave me the courage to dust off that old manuscript and give it another try. So, I poured myself into re-writing my story. The original version had been edited, but because I practically rewrote the book, I struggled with going back through the editing phase again. I took this to the Lord, and the most amazing thing happened. He encouraged me not to have it re-edited... to let it stand, and He would do the rest. He would ensure that people were blessed by the content and the message and not be turned off by the grammar mistakes they were sure to find.
Honestly, it took me a while to be comfortable with this because it is stressed that the biggest turn-off when people read anything is when they find grammatical mistakes. Yet, I wanted to be authentic, real. I wanted others with the same disorder to put away their shame of the disorder and abandon themselves in the will and gift of God in their writing. So, in June 2019, I revised my first book, The Other Side of Dyslexia 2020, changed the title, and published mistakes. Then, in 2020, I revised the book, changed the title, and republished it. The new title is Dyslexia: Dare to be Restored to the Image of God. I also wrote two devotional books. One is titled Not Ashamed, and the other is titled Faithful Unto the End. In 2024, I published a book titled Dare to be Transformed: A 90 Devotional for Women.
In addition, I've discovered that Gospel Writers have endless possibilities to write and share the Gospel of Christ. To keep things interesting, I started a Podcast called Dyslexia: Uniquely Gifted and Women of Courage: Living the Gospel with Power. I also plan to start a YouTube channel. So please keep the prayers coming.
Life begins Today
As stated earlier, the possibilities are endless. It only takes an open, accessible heart to the Lord. Side note: I started using Grammarly this year. I'm comfortable with this editing level and believe it doesn't take away from my need to express myself as a dyslexic writer.
So you see, I am a Gospel Writer today because love must find a way to express itself. I love the Lord, and I love writing to and for Him. I found that He always has someone to whom I can send words of encouragement, comfort, guidance, and, yes, even corrections. But most of all, I became a Gospel Writer because it has given me a glimpse into the heart of God, and I get to share those intimate moments with you.
​God gave me a dream: to make Him known through writing, podcasting, and public speaking. I never would have believed someone like me could publish three books and plan to write many more. But God knew if I trusted Him and trusted my dyslexic journey to Him, He would make something beautiful come out of it.
I still have dreams, some big, some small. I'm no longer afraid to dream. Why? Because I know that God is more than capable of helping me reach every goal He sets for me. He's not only capable for me but for you, too. Nothing is impossible when we place our dreams in the Lord's hand and trust His leading.
All this being said, communicating is what I have been called to do. God even gave me the name of my ministry before He shared how He planned to use me and White Raiment Publication for His glory.
I share my dyslexic story for one reason: it is a story about learning to hide my life in Christ. It is a story of asking God not to remove the mountain but to give me His strength to climb it. My life today is so much more than I could have imagined, and it all began over thirty years ago when I said yes to Christ's call to surrender. It has not been easy, but it has been worth it.
Today, I am a child of God. That is who I am. What do I do for Him? I educate, encourage, podcast, coach, teach, and write for Him.
What would you like to do for Him? What is stopping you?
​May God bless you as you pursue your dream to live for Christ and serve Him faithfully.